Ep. 55 - I Look Peaceful But On the Back End I Calculate Things by The Second w. Erica Kang

Erica Kang is the founder of KryptoSeoul,  a leading community building team in South Korea made up of professional communicators, marketers, and analysts.

Some of the topics we cover on this wide ranging conversation include:

* Origins of KryptoSeoul: transitioning from Korean Corporate world to crypto.
* Importance of Brand and Reputation: how to identify and filter out bad actors while building trust
* Korean Culture: what is meant for innovation, challenges for global cooperation and governance
* Barrier to Mass Adoption: lessons learned from 7 years collaborating with many ecosystems and projects
* Empire Building: expanding from South Korea into the rest of Asia and the world!
* Not Everything Can or Should Be Decentralised: the need for a strong vision and ability to execute efficiently
* and more!

Asia Buidl - https://www.buidl.asia
@kryptoseoulofficial - http://kryptoseoul.com
ETH Seoul - https://2023.ethseoul.org/ 
Women in Web3 Change Makers Interview - https://youtu.be/SnqfeX4viRk

Follow on socials:

Erica - https://twitter.com/ekang426
KryptoSeoul - https://twitter.com/KryptoSeoul
KryptoPlanet - https://twitter.com/ericaplanet
BuidlAsia - https://twitter.com/buidl_asia
ETH Seoul - https://twitter.com/eth_seoul_

AVB - https://twitter.com/AvbNear
Wuipod - https://twitter.com/wuipod
Ep. 55 - I Look Peaceful But On the Back End I Calculate Things by The Second w. Erica Kang
Broadcast by