Ep. 43 - Be Proud of The Work You Do w. Alina Tustanovska, NEAR Community Trust
Alina Tustanovska is the COO at INC4, CEO of Spaceport Labs, DAO Council member at AirDAO, friend with Open Forest Protocol. Most recently, Alina has been appointed as one of the five NEAR Community Trust Trustees.
This is the second instalment of the 'Get to Know the Trustees' Series, episodes where we dive deep to uncover who the stewards of the ecosystem are and what makes them a good candidate. On this wide ranging conversation we cover:
* Alina's journey into crypto
* How her company started developing custom crypto mining software in 2017
* The evolution from having in-house products to a Web3 Development Agency
* Different types of consulting. Ways in which value accrues at different service layers.
* Growing up and living in Ukraine
* How adversity driver excellence
* Taking ownership of your work. Being proud of output.
* Dealing with Trolls and other decentralised governance challenges
* How OFP requested INC4 to develop specifically on NEAR
* Experience from developing on NEAR since the very early days
* and more!
NEAR Foundation Launches Community Treasury - https://medium.com/near-digital-collective/near-launches-the-near-community-treasury-c14207c03c28
INC4 - https://inc4.net/
Pembrock Finance - https://pembrock.finance/
Open Forest Protocol - https://www.openforestprotocol.org/
Startup Nation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Start-up_Nation
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This is the second instalment of the 'Get to Know the Trustees' Series, episodes where we dive deep to uncover who the stewards of the ecosystem are and what makes them a good candidate. On this wide ranging conversation we cover:
* Alina's journey into crypto
* How her company started developing custom crypto mining software in 2017
* The evolution from having in-house products to a Web3 Development Agency
* Different types of consulting. Ways in which value accrues at different service layers.
* Growing up and living in Ukraine
* How adversity driver excellence
* Taking ownership of your work. Being proud of output.
* Dealing with Trolls and other decentralised governance challenges
* How OFP requested INC4 to develop specifically on NEAR
* Experience from developing on NEAR since the very early days
* and more!
NEAR Foundation Launches Community Treasury - https://medium.com/near-digital-collective/near-launches-the-near-community-treasury-c14207c03c28
INC4 - https://inc4.net/
Pembrock Finance - https://pembrock.finance/
Open Forest Protocol - https://www.openforestprotocol.org/
Startup Nation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Start-up_Nation
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