Ep. 35 - Let's f* BUILD w. Addie Geise, Head of Community @ Banyan Collective

On this episode we get to sit down with Addie Geise, who's recently joined Banyan Collective as Head of Community in December 2022.

On this wide ranging conversation we cover a lot of topics including:

* Addie's journey into crypto - disappointment with healthcare industry and
* Evolution within Crypto - from online casino to a real opportunity for impact
* Human Behavioural Design
* Building a DAO from the ground up - WGMI DAO
* Lessons, frameworks and insights from Communities on Ethereum
* Common problems - anon, trolls, and beyond
* NEAR ecosystem - why?
* Growing the NEAR ecosystem
* and more...!

Resources -

Addie's Personal Webtie - https://dapper-acrylic-e70.notion.site/Adelaide-Giese-b76c1b5bb157405f9ae96d349658c1c2

Settler's Build Web3 Builders Community in NYC - https://www.settlers.build 

WGMI DAO Playbook (RECOMMENDED) - https://docs.wgmi.community/docs/adding-to-wgmi/ 

Slaying Moloch, the god of coordination failure. https://owocki.com/slaying-moloch-god-coordination-failuire/ 

Coordinape ​​https://coordinape.com/ 

NEAR Hacks - https://www.nearhacks.com/banyan 

Follow on Social 

Addie Twitter - https://twitter.com/addigator71

Banyan Collective Twitter - https://twitter.com/BanyanUS 

Ep. 35 - Let's f* BUILD w. Addie Geise, Head of Community @ Banyan Collective
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