Ep. 32 - The Future of NFTs, DAOs and NDC with Jordan Gray

Wide ranging conversation with Jordan Gray. Jordan is a NEAR Ecosystem OG that has led and worked on many projects and initiatives such as TENK, and most recently AstroDAO.
Some of the topics we cover:

* NEARCON 2022 - wild experience. 
* Jordan's Origins - from Art + Tech nonprofit to NEAR Protocol
* NFTs - origins and evolution. Digital gentrification?
* Challenges and new approaches to DAOs:
* Putting the human back in the equation - applying Design Thinking to DAOs
* Onboarding and off boarding - quadratic quorum!?
* NDC - origins and road ahead
* Progressive payouts for Hackathons
* Basement dwellers and the joys of on-chain espionage
* ...and more!

Resources and Mentions

TENK - https://tenk.dev 
NEAR Misfits - https://twitter.com/NEARMisfits
Deep Skills - https://www.deepskills.io 
AstroDAO - https://astrodao.com
[NDC] Illia @ ETHCC - Designing DAOs for Ecosystem Governance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h5Jy4EVFMs
[NDC] Twitter Thread summarising Illia's ETHCC Talk - https://twitter.com/AlejandroVBeta1/status/1566712177037574144
Stader Labs NEARX exploit - what happened - https://youtu.be/1PRNaZBzR4Q
Pizza Maker - https://twitter.com/AlejandroVBeta1/status/1561123876465102848?s=20&t=YuEngYH_r9tjYtV-jt77aw

Ep. 32 - The Future of NFTs, DAOs and NDC with Jordan Gray
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