Ep. 014 - Cyborg from the Future & Mass Adoption w Orrin Campbell, QSTN

Conversation with Orrin Campbell, artist, genius marketer and founder of QSTN: a NEAR Native platform creating onboarding experiences for the masses.

Orrin Music - Youtube Channel
Orrin Podcast - Interview with Neil de Grasse Tyson

Nick Szabo - On Smart Contracts (1996)

NFT Collaboration between Mintbase and Orrin - a Cyborg from the Future

Ceramic Network, Decentralised Data Storage

Verida - decentralised network of private databases

Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow

QSTN Website - https://qstn.us
QSTN Medium - https://medium.com/@qstnus
QSTN - Twitter - https://twitter.com/qstnus

Ep. 014 - Cyborg from the Future & Mass Adoption w Orrin Campbell, QSTN
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