Ep. 011 - Product Market Fit as a pre-requisite to Growth, Setting new standards for User Experience, Build a dApp in 5 minutes with Composable Slices, and much more! - Ross Gates, Prime Labs

Conversation with Ross Gates, former Growth at NEAR Foundation, current founder at Prime Labs. We explore a wide range of topics ranging from electric helicopters to frameworks for growth in crypto. Insightful depiction of the work Prime Labs is doing to empower anyone to build cheap and rapidly using reusable slices.
- Prime Lab Website - https://primelab.io

List of all the projects, tools and resources mentioned during this episode:
* Platforms for hosting the upcoming Gen C conference:
- Gather Town: https://www.gather.town
- https://nearhub.club
- https://www.realitychain.io

Easily onboard new users by reserving their account name and preload it with NEAR:
- NearNames - https://nearnames.com

*Web 2.0 No-Code Tooling:
- Bubble - https://bubble.io/
- IndieHackers - https://www.indiehackers.com/
- 100DaysOfNoCode - https://www.100daysofnocode.com
- Zapier - https://zapier.com/
- Integromat - https://www.integromat.com/

* NEAR Learning
- NEAR University - https://www.near.university/
- Figment Learn - https://learn.figment.io/pathways
- Encode Club - https://www.encode.club/near

- Pagoda - https://www.pagoda.co

* Marketing Learning
- [Book] 'Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Growth' by Gabriel Weinberg - https://www.amazon.com/Traction-Startup-Achieve-Explosive-Customer/dp/1591848369
- [Website] Winning by Design - https://winningbydesign.com

* Prime Lab / Proximity / Pagoda Validator AMA - https://youtu.be/gFXJNyjYviY

* NEAR Token Supply and Distribution - https://near.org/blog/near-token-supply-and-distribution/
* Introduction to NEAR Protocol's Economics - https://near.org/blog/near-protocol-economics/

Blockstack App Mining

Ep. 011 - Product Market Fit as a pre-requisite to Growth, Setting new standards for User Experience, Build a dApp in 5 minutes with Composable Slices, and much more! - Ross Gates, Prime Labs
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